As we get back to our old routine, like late 2019 era, there’s a couple of approaches we should be weary of beforehand. I thought I’d write this quickly because it’s a pressing issue. I didn’t want too much time to pass before I address it. We’re bound to make one of these two mistakes Read More
Mastering Praying Mantis Kung Fu has been one of the proudest and most important accomplishments of my life. If had to condense 2 decades of training, teaching, and self-discovery into a 20 minute conversation, I would explain the strike first principle, and then let the person on the other end of the conversation unpack it Read More
The 4 Essential Steps to Mastering Discipline (hint: NOT just for martial artists 🙂 ) Often times we have parents bring their kids in to try martial arts because they want them to have discipline. They usually know someone who currently has their child in our program and has seen amazing improvements and they wonder Read More
6 Reasons why Martial Arts WITH your kid is the Best Thing you could do for your Family The Most Enjoyable Exercise You Could Imagine Think about when you go the gym. Find your station, plug in your headphones, stick your tablet in front of you, or watch the TV. You’re pretty much trying to Read More