Thank you for visiting our website. Or martial arts and karate for kids “News and Events” is where all of our community members and current students can visit to see what we have going on in our martial arts academy, in the community and with local businesses we work with. We want to keep everyone Read More
As adults, it is easy to forget how we developed our social skills and how well we got along with others to influence outcomes and build healthy, positive relationships. Developing social skills is actually not very far from developing cognitive skills or physical capabilities. Improving mental and physical strength can be achieved with constant practice, Read More
It goes without saying that respect is one of the most fundamental traits required to be successful both professionally and personally. Schools make it a point to teach respect for authority during a child’s most formative years, but the real education truly begins at home, with the parents themselves. Respect is a quality that can Read More
We have all heard and said simple phrases like “thank you” or “please” hundreds of times in our lives. Parents ensure that their children say these phrases at appropriate times to instill the habit, making courtesy a a natural approach and response. While kind language shows ‘good manners’ in people, few actually question what the Read More
The earliest years of a child’s upbringing can be the most important in many ways. Professionals who teach pre-school are always keeping an eye out to see whether children are developing mentally, physically, and socially. A variety of important life skills and character traits – fostered at an early age – will serve them well Read More